2012-2014全民英檢中級滿分字彙(附1mp3)出版社:哈佛英語作者:Zack/編題,蘇豔文/題解優惠價:9折269元在文章中可清楚看到每個單字的語境,不必另外背例句 而且只要熟讀四、五篇精心策畫編寫的主題短文就可以輕鬆把某一主題相關的單字全都背下來 關於練習題 同、反義字的練習可幫助訓練直接用英文思考的能力填空不但挑出重點單字,也可從中學…more
最強圖解新多益:NEW TOEIC單字記憶術(附1書+1MP3)出版社:知識工場作者:張翔、薛詩怡優惠價:79折276元為什麼英文總在原地踏步?明明苦讀許久,上考場卻只能兩手一攤? 因為你之前都只懂得在ABCD上下功夫, 只發揮了50%的記憶潛能,背起單字當然事倍功半! 突破金色證書的關鍵,首重效率記憶, 要有效率地達成目標,就要活用左右腦的記憶優…more
Longman Preparation Series for the TOEIC Test:Listening and Reading, Introductory Course Audio CDs/6片 5/e出版社:東華作者:Lin Lougheed優惠價:1450元Now in a new edition, the three-level Longman Preparation Series for the TOEIC□ Test gives students the skills and strategies they need to increase their scores on the Listening and Reading sections of the TOEIC? test. Designed a…more
Longman Preparation Series for the TOEIC Test:Listening and Reading, Intermediate Course Audio CDs/7片 5/e出版社:東華作者:Lin Lougheed優惠價:1450元Now in a new edition, the three-level Longman Preparation Series for the TOEIC□ Test gives students the skills and strategies they need to increase their scores on the Listening and Reading sections of the TOEIC? test. Designed a…more
勇奪新多益金色證書:聽力閱讀1000題(16K+1MP3)出版社:寂天作者:Kwon Ohkyung、Hong Jin-Kol優惠價:9折468元挑戰1000題奪金必備題庫! 專為英文高手設計 精準應考策略幫助有效準備 升格金色證書有如探囊取物! 1. 英文高手必會的1000題紅利題庫 覺得一般坊間多益考題太簡單、挑戰性不夠嗎?不同的英文程度要有不同的準備策略。本書適合目標分…more
新多益大師指引-破題速解全攻略:第一本值得永久保存的備考大全&商英祕笈!(雙書裝+四國口音MP3)出版社:貝塔作者:文喬優惠價:79折442元第一本值得永久保存的新多益備考大全 & 商英祕笈誕生!登峰美語名師文喬親授多次滿分獨門絕招,精準指引高頻出題類型及破解術,高效補充商務實用字彙及慣用語,短期間快速拿下高分,黃金證書一試入袋! ★ 七大題型完整剖析,化繁為簡一本通…more
Challenge the TOEIC Test 2 with MP3 CD/1片出版社:東華作者:Jenny Wilsen優惠價:500元Practice: Each book has three full-length practice tests. Listen: The audio program features American , British, Canadian and Australian speakers in the style of the official exam. Review: All 600 questions in each book …more
Longman Preparation Series for the TOEIC Test:Listening and Reading, Introductory Course 5/e出版社:東華作者:Lin Lougheed優惠價:800元附CD-ROM/1片+Script without Answer Key Now in a new edition, the three-level Longman Preparation Series for the TOEIC□ Test gives students the skills and strategies they need to increase their scores on the Listening and Readi…more
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